one fake homeless person at a time.

17 August 2009

S&H 277:30

Front yard on the way to work with plastic flowers on a guy wire.


  • sole coming off one shoe of the Frankenstein clogs again
  • DVD player connected to the VCR player won't play
  • other DVD player requires you wiggle the cord around a while, then sit motionless on the bed, stiller than dead, to watch it
  • slight leak under kitchen sink
  • leak on top of kitchen sink runs along countertop and trickles gently to floor, then runs behind fridge before disappearing (look on the bright side: possibly replenishing an aquifer somehow?)
  • water dripping inside fridge
  • vertical blinds in livingroom keep falling down and breaking(I HATE THEM and am starting to wonder if I will need to pay the landlord a bazillion dollars for their decrepitude when we move out.)
  • can't turn phone ringer off

As for that cool old green metal gooseneck lamp that I've had since '95, I stopped being sad that it broke and I threw it out. I got a new lamp shaped like a ridiculous vase.

1 comment:

  1. Just noticed your fetching title -- (since I rarely read the large print the first time around ) -- and the lady scores again! What WILL you think of next?
