I'll take care of that. I read about that... I know how to do that ....does anybody have any teeny tiny but extremely sharp cleavers or assagais or machetes or anything of that nature? Or pinking shears? Butterflies have very tiny heads so they would need to be very small pinking shears. Have you ever read the book"Stuart Little"? Or does he use regular sized objects as tools in that book? I forget. I like how the mom has a mouse instead of a human baby and doesn't even react. It doesn't bear thinking about too much.
I will be helping with a few things around here. Thanks for inviting me.
(Bro, Fillibuster Cash : I found your post. It was right under "I just deleted my entire post". It was right there. Don't worry, bro. Sometimes I do that with my glasses. "Where are my glasses where are my glasses? Then suddenly doingggggg! Maybe on my head ??!!!)

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