one fake homeless person at a time.

29 July 2009

A: No

Overheard on the train today: "I wasted years trying to be social! Finally I realized I just don't like people that much." (Later in the conversation she referred to "the time I set myself on fire," explained as "Windbreakers are very flammable, you know.")

Qs upon further eavesdropping: For an antisocial person, she sure is a chatterbox. Wait.
Why do I think anti social people are not chatterboxes?
Hey, isn't this the same woman whose conversation I eavesdropped on one other time?
And she and her seatmate are both in veterinarian school or something?
Or EMT school?
I could never entirely tell. If she isn't social, maybe she shouldn't be an EMT. Maybe she is planning to take only the unconscious cases.
How did she catch herself on fire, though?
She doesn't look the type to wear a windbreaker. She has on that Maui shirt and hospital worker type pants. It's a nice look, like a surfer is going to run in and sudenly take your blood pressure. It wouldn't go with windbreakers so much...wait. I'm thinking of the cloth kind that Asian engineering professors or middle aged golf ladies used to wear.
Is there a new hip kind of highly flammable windbreaker that youngish antisocial surfer veterinarians wear?
Should I ask her?
She doesn't like people much; what if she gets red in the face at my question, and suddenly runs away up the aisle of the train?
Then her seatmate might say "Thanks a LOT. You have upset my study partner and I will not be able to study sufficiently for the pathogens test tomorrow. I hold you responsible if I flunk out of animal EMT school and instead support myself by collecting scrap metal for resale, and putting handwritten signs on telephone poles offering to sell weight loss secrets for $10."
Should I warn him that if he doesn't maintain good metal purchase records, he is subject to possible prosecution ?


  1. Something's different here............
    but I digress........

    So much for evesdropping!

  2. Since my earlier comment apparently didn't come up to the unbelievably rigid standards of this High Class - - - Place, I'll try another, with a touch of humor.
    What did Adam say when he saw his wife fall out of the apple tree?

    Evesdropping again, eh?
