one fake homeless person at a time.

11 October 2009


I made the mistake of clicking on "next blog" at the top of the page, and up pops a big picture of a happy looking couple of strangers I never invited over! Weird.

I'm gonna muse a bit here, and try to puzzle out some feelings. I didn't go to an "Event" tonight that many of my friends went to, because I didn't think I could top off a busy day with something more, and I didn't want to try to find nearby parking when 82 people were expected! I didn't REALLY want to go. But now that I didn't go -- my own decision -- I'm feeling left out. How can that be? What's going on here?

I totally understand a hermit that can honestly say "don't care for weddings..... never go....." but if I invited that hermit to a "paaaahdee" and that hermit turned me down, I'd wince - at least.

Help me out, willyah?


  1. i don't feel you should, um, feel 'lef out'. you should embrace your "solitudarity". plus, 82 peoples? bout 82 peoples too damn many. and a party ain't cool till YOU'VE snubbed it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OK. I reconsidered. I will come to your wedding. Where did you say it was? I have knitted you some mints.
