one fake homeless person at a time.

18 September 2009

it's sunny out, not a "chase" billboard in sight.

last night i took half of my remaining fifteen dollars to buy a bomber of righteous "pike's brewery" 9% and a bag of "food that tastes good" tortilla chips and headed up to sunset hill to imbibe beer and sunset. it was a worthy expenditure. took me three hours to stop weaving as i walked, even after a solid omellette and shower. made the work week end as it should, in a haze as i sat on the "la-z-boy" watching "waiting for guffman" and barking like an elephant seal.

in other tangientially related news, two full weeks passed and i din't empty my checking account like i was an 19 year old with a new WAMU account. o, wait, that's now obsolete. speaking of THE MOST HORRIBLE BANK IN THE HISTORY OF "BANKS THAT TASTE HORRIBLE", CHASE, i'm ready to torch billboards and make hindenburgs of buses that advertise for the "manhattan of banks". the chase logo as the sun? "'helpful' banking is here and already the weather is clearing up"? a man in hiking boots with floppy laces PORTAGING HIS BICYCLE? though i try to rein in my vulgarity, i can only express myself one way: F^$* YOU PEOPLE! really, chase? you think we "outdoor snobs" can't "slay" our righteous local singletrack and so must PORTAGE OUR MOUTNAIN BIKES? you think the bloody CHASE LOGO is what makes willis wall in late summer so breathtaking? you think we in seattle (and surrounding pugetopolis) din't like WASHINGTON mutual? until kerry killinger came along, it was a LOCAL bank headquartered in SEATTLE. it was started in WASHINGTON. it had WASHINGTON in its name, NOT MANHATTAN. ('WAMU' was for me the death knell.) yes, 'wamu' was a willing and volumatic player in the great economic consumer bend-over of last october, but DO YOU REALLY THINK WE WANT YOUR NEW YORK SMUGNESS MASQUERADING AS "HELPFUL BANKING"? no, we do not. if i were to recommend a bank who'd "lose" money somewhere along the line from bike shop back to customer in a TWO MONTH LONG BATTLE TO RETURN A HUNDRED FIFTY BUCKS THAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGED IN THE CUSOTMER'S CHECKING ACCOUNT, it'd be chase. if i wanted a bank that reduces me to "coffee [and] salmon", it'd be chase. if i wanted to wake up every morning hating the people who held my money hostage, i'd definitely choose chase. seeing as i want ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THESE THINGS, i'll recommend a good doughnut shop. top pot "drops" some heavy old fashioneds that'd make admirable targets when ALL YOU CHASE NUTJOBS TAKE A FLYING F*^% AT A ROLLING DOUGHNUT.

ima go "rock" my bicycle. peace.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect your recliner (where you sat barking) was not a Lazy-y-Boy, but a bona fide Barco Lounger!
